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Construction Demolition Safety Protocols

Never assume that a demolition job will be an easy thing. There are an array of safety concerns to keep in mind. Moreover, every demolition job has its own challenges. The safety techniques used for one may not be suitable for another.

Simply put, if you don’t put enough thought into construction demolition safety, people will get hurt. With such huge amounts of rubble and waste to deal with, there’s even the potential for fatalities to occur on an unsafe demolition site.

We don’t want that to happen, which is why we provide a construction demolition safety service that informs all involved about the hazards of demolition work.

The Top Safety Concerns

You may think that the safe demolition of buildings involves little more than ensuring heavy rubble doesn’t fall on people. But it goes much further than that. Here are the sort of things that we’ll cover during a typical demolition range safety brief:

Murray Demolition safe demolition of buildings
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  • Equipment. Each demolition job requires different equipment and the crews must understand how to use everything safely. We cover everything from safe operation to correct equipment practices. Moreover, we’ll explain the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as high-visibility clothing, steel-capped boots, and hard hats.
  • Wall and Ceiling Bracing. We often carry out demolition work on old and decrepit buildings. Entering such buildings without following the proper precautions presents a risk. Part of our construction demolition safety protocol involves ensuring the building is properly prepared for crews to work in. Generally, this involves bracing the ceilings and walls so there’s less risk of rubble or concrete collapsing while people work in the building.
  • Explosives Safety. Controlled demolition usually involves the use of explosives to create an implosion that will topple the building. We ensure all of our crews understand how to work with such explosives safely and how much explosive is required to bring a building down without creating further problems.
  • Hazardous Materials. This is a particular problem in older buildings. The presence of lead or asbestos presents further safety risks. Our crews learn as much as possible about the building and will do everything in their power to remove such hazardous materials before carrying out the work.
  • The Final Sweep. No demolition job should get underway without the crew conducting a final sweep of the entire site. Even the smallest of oversights can cause major problems in a controlled demolition. One last sweep allows crews to confirm that everything is in place and set up properly.
  • The Cleanup. The job doesn’t end when we’ve demolished the building. The cleanup process presents dangers of its own. We train our crews on the proper use of equipment and how to stay safe among the rubble.

Construction demolition safety involves considering all of these factors, in addition to an array of issues that may affect a specific job. We take everything into consideration so we can minimize risk.

If you’re concerned about demolishing an old building safely, contact our team. We carry out safe controlled demolition work and will do everything possible to keep all involved safe and sound.

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